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Welcome back to Stowe and the 2024 SJF!

This year was INCREDIBLE!! Here are some testimonials from only SOME of the fantastic performers…

Thanks again for another fantastic experience at SJF. The sound, hospitality and overall collegial and friendly vibe of you and he entire staff are top-notch. From stage hands to sound crew to hospitality volunteers — you’ve assembled an A-team. The sound on stage is excellent, which in the end makes us all play better because we feel very comfortable and can hear ourselves and eachother so well. Also, I really appreciate all the built-in opportunities for us musicians to hang and be together in casual settings.All of this and the spectacular scenery of Stowe VT makes this one of my favorite festivals in the world.      - Ben Allison

Hi George, just wanted to send a belated note to let you know how much fun we had up in Stowe.  I continue to marvel how well you guys can dial in such a pristine sound through both the monitors as well as the main speakers on an outdoor gig. Incredible! Also, the treatment toward the band is absolutely first rate all the way. Above and beyond.  This festival has been the absolute highlight of my year these last couple of years so I appreciate these opportunities you’ve given us.  Thank you, George!

And the beers, yeah, they’re ok…      - Alan Ferber

The Stowe Jazz Festival is a national treasure. From the incredible sound to the generous hospitality towards the artists, I can’t think of another festival I look forward to as much as this one!  An incredible experience all around for both artists and patrons.        - Jared Schonig  

Hello George! Thank you for inviting my trio with Jared Gold and McClenty Hunter to be a part of the Stowe Jazz Festival in 2024. I had heard great things about the festival but it was great to experience it first hand. Total professionals all the way from communication, back line, front of house sound and the incredible line-up of which we were happy to be a part of.The artists that were featured was a great eclectic mix of some of the greatest in the world today.Bravo George for helming one of the best festivals we have been a part of. All the best and thank you!         - Dave Stryker

Hey George, 

We had an amazing time performing at the festival this year with Forq.   We've played a lot of stages all over the world, and the feeling, camaraderie and art-forward attitude of this festival is second to none. Stowe Jazz, in spite of being a somewhat new festival, relative to the long established international festivals is absolutely destined to become one of those festivals that everyone talks about for years - an institution.  Thanks again for your hard work!  We love this!        - Henry Hey - bandleader / Forq

Hey George, hope you’re enjoying some down time with some magnificent wine….

The Stowe Jazz Festival is truly one of a kind. The incredible sense of community and love of jazz that surrounds the festival embodies the spirit of all of its hard working staff, supporters, and musicians. I’ve loved playing at the Stowe Jazz Festival for the past few years and always look forward to returning to perform for such an enthusiastic and knowledgeable audience of Vermonters. The sound is always fantastic, one of the best I’ve experienced out an outdoor festival and the hang is incredible under the helm of George Petit. It’s a vibe!  Keep in touch man.        - Hamish Smith, Bassist

Dear George,  

Thank you for making a difference in the music and jazz community. Wow!  What you guys have managed to build from scratch over the past few years deserves all reverence, not just from the community of Stowe, Vermont, but from the entire country. I've played at many festivals across the United States, Europe, Asia, and South America, as you know. This one is truly special. And I mean it. I already told you this in person, but I wanted to thank you again for the immense care you showed me, the band, and all the participants. Accommodation, organization, sound—everything was excellent, done at the highest level. Being part of this event was indeed an honor and a joy.  Obrigado!  Abraços, and hope to see you soon   !   - Chico Pinheiro

Hey George,

I wanted to write you and thank you for all your efforts to put the Stowe Jazz Festival together. Every year it gets better and better. The quality of the sound and the treatment of the public is very special. The lineup is stunning and the logistics and dealing with musicians is top notch. I feel very grateful for being part of it. It’s special for both the artists and the public that certainly can feel the good energy surrounding the whole weekend.     - Eduardo Belo, Bassist

Dear George,

I wanted to write to express my appreciation and admiration for all that you have accomplished with the Stowe Jazz Festival. Having been so fortunate to get to perform at the festival the last two years has really brought home what an effort this is from you and your staff. The willingness to give so much of yourself to produce this event, which spans so many performances over a four day period, is very inspiring. You are to be commended for your efforts. 

What strikes me as even more impactful is the effect this has on Stowe, and well beyond. I was able to interact with a number of patrons while I was in the audience listening to some of the other bands this year, and clearly, people place a very high value on what you are doing. It is the very definition of grassroots, and in today’s climate, curating events that build community are more important than ever! The sheer number of performances and the incredible quality of music that you are providing these audiences is breathtaking. 

This festival deserves wider attention, but even more so, greater support. I know just how difficult it must be each year to keep this event going, so I hope that some additional funding sources become available to you in the near future. 

Thanks for having us be a part of this event. I have played many festivals, but never felt more connected to one in my life.

All the best, Andrew Rathbun

always jazz…always free !

This year, we are SUPER fortunate to have found our SJF Signature Artist early - and it was immediately obvious to all of us that Sally Stetson's painting below fit our Festival vibe perfectly. Sally is a local designer, painter...creative artist...and all around pretty fantastic human. You will see Sally's image on all our print, in our program, on our, facebook - just basically everywhere we can 'post and boast'! THANKS SO MUCH, SALLY !!

2024 Stowe Jazz Festival - Signature Art by Sally Stetson

Our 2023 Signature Artist’s Statement: “…I love music. Not a musician myself (unless you count playing my guitar in the fifth grade talent show). I think though, that painting is like playing music. You need the skills but if you let go and use your heart, not your brain, cool stuff happens. Honored that my piece, “In The Mix” is in good company with all the great music and energy showcased in the 2024 Stowe Jazz Festival…”

Welcome...summer of 2024 sjf!


Schedule of Events has so many sub-genres, it can be difficult to describe or categorize...but at it's very core is a sense of reaching-out, engagement, and communication.  We'll be presenting nothing but Jazz at our Festival each year; Bebop, Brazilian jazz, Swing, Gypsy jazz, Progressive/electric jazz, Standards, Afro-Cuban jazz, instrumental and vocal artists alike.

truly, ‘JAZZ’ overcomes all barriers, crosses all borders, embraces all…refuses none

Have a look at our SCHEDULE page for details on all this year's great events.  And again, they're all tickets, no cover charges.  Come to Stowe, Vermont…and enjoy it all.

Bring the family...

Bring the family...

Chico Pinhiero Quartet

Chico Pinhiero Quartet

Ed Cherry Trio

Ed Cherry Trio

We're the pot of gold... ;)

We're the pot of gold... ;)

...sharing ideas, connections

...sharing ideas, connections

Ed Cherry standing 2.jpg


This year, we've invited an amazing group of Artists to Stowe. We'll welcome stellar musicians from Brazil, Cuba, Canada, New York City, Puerto Rico, Peru, Boston, Los Angeles, and from right here in Vermont.

A big part of our mission is to bring world-class Jazz artists from…everywhere…artists that you just wouldn’t usually hear in Stowe and our vicinity. We aim to develop into a Festival that will attract international audiences - and GROW.

Come on up - add your energy. And make sure you bring the kids…remember…its FREE ;) 


The SJF invites local, regional, national and international business to sponsor the Festival so that all events can be offered to the public free of charge.  If our own community pulls together to host this event and bring visitors to Stowe...and if ALL the music is presented without cost to the public...we ALL win.  Every single one of us, every business, every venue, every guest, every musician...

So we send a heartfelt THANKS to each of the Sponsors that have joined us, that have shown their support to the Music and to Stowe by whatever way they can.  

So please have a look at our SPONSORS page - and get to know all these brands...we're confident you'll make them your friends, too.




Welcome to the 2023 Stowe Jazz Festival!
Staying true to our Mission and Vision, exploring and sharing this special genre of music, community, family, the Arts, inclusion; embracing equality and communication...this is what we are all about here. We thank YOU for attending and making time in your lives for this special weekend.
Music to help heal and bring us all together...we all could use that these days.
Jazz opens your heart.
I’m really looking forward to this year’s events...and can’t wait to see you all!
— George Walker Petit, Festival Director
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